Hass hate
verachten despise
genervt annoyed
Neid envy
Angst fear
besorgt worried
hilflos helpless
Ekel disgust
abscheulich disgusting abominable
unmoralich immoral
Freude joy
Stolz auf proud of
Liebe love
Sprichwort proverb
Anziehung attraction
Gefühle feelings
Scham shame
Schuld guilt
bereuen to regret
Trauer grief
Money rules the world. A lot of people spend more money than they earn. Most people balance their income and expenses. Some people save money either for an unexpected event or to invest it for profit. People who spend more money than they earn often do this by using their credit card carelessly. It is wiser to use a debit card which tells you when you reached your limit A lot of people like to pay in cash. When you need some cash urgently you can get it out of an ATM. Most service providers send you a bill at the end of the month. You can transfer the owed sum from your bank account to their bank account. If you buy from an online shop you usually transfer money through your credit card. Sometimes you buy goods on instalments over a certain period.