Website NewsOur website is regularly visited by 350 to 400 'unique individuals' each month, with visitors looking at an average of three pages each visit The home page is the clear favorite - many members say they use the scrolling calendar on the website to confirm diary events.
The newsletter is the main source of content on the website - with the website pages for each group proving a wonderful resource for visitors finding out more about our programs as well as providing an historical record and a ready reference for members. Our Be Connected teachers Jenny and Robyn play an important role in acquainting members with our website account. A U3A Benalla and District Facebook site complements the website. Our Facebook page has gradually grown from 86 followers on 7 Jan 2019 to 326 followers on 4 January 2024. Posts by the Easy Walks team have reached 15+ likes, while a post of Betty Milligan's Covid poem achieved our highest number of likes - 19 likes - during 2021. Most posts receive 4 - 8 likes. Avid photographers Bev Thornell and Andi Stevenson regularly add posts to our FB page and contribute photos to both the newsletter and the website. Rene Martens and Publicity Officer David Palmer have recently been added to the editing team on FB. Please contact me if you would like to join the web team. |
Website Tips and Tricks
Contributing photographs to our website and social media
It is well worth spending time learning how to resize or compress photographs to reduce download speeds of webpages. Photographs taken on digital cameras are usually between 1 and 4 Megabytes or even larger, however as a general rule photo images for websites and social media only need to be 800x600 pixels. Learning to use WeeblyThe Weebly platform is very easy to use as you can see how the page will look on the screen while working on it. Word processing skills help enormously.
Weebly Support Centre - consider adding a shortcut to your desktop.
From the Archives
Website manager Bev Lee is happy to make one to one appointments to members keen to learn to use Weebly--email [email protected].
Office Use Only - Website Trial - online application form for 2022