Now we are back home and have to go shopping or go shopping. We need to find a supermarket to buy groceries. We make a shopping list. We need bread, butter, cheese, milk, sausage, flour, rice, sugar, coffee and tea, also meat and oatmeal and muesli for breakfast. Where can we find this. There are different types of bread in the bread department. Bread baked with wheat flour, rye flour or mixed or baked with yeast or sourdough. We can also get bread rolls there. We get butter, cheese and milk in the milk department. There are many varieties of cheese. The choice is great. We can choose full fat or skim milk. We find meat and sausages in the meat department. The choice is between beef, pork, poultry and sometimes game (venison, deer, wild boar, rabbit, kangaroo in Australia). Poultry is mostly chicken but can also be duck, goose or turkey. There are many varieties of sausage. Flour is in the flour section where you can find wheat, rye flour or a mix, but also rice as brown or white rice and many types of pasta. There is also oatmeal and muesli.
In anderen Abteilungen findet man Eier und Säuberungsmittel und Hundefutter, gefrorene \Esswaren, viele Sorten Öl und konservierten Fisch. In der Gemüse und Obstabteilung finden wir Karrotten ( Möhren)Weißkohl, Rotkohl, Brokkoly, Blumenkohl,Zwiebeln, Spinat und Kartoffeln und viel Obst ist erhältlich. Apfelsinen(Orangen) Bananen, Weintrauben, äpfel,Birnen, im Sommer Aprikosen, Pfirsiche und all die tropischen Früchte für die ich keinen deutschen Namen kenne . Dann gibt es auch eine gute Auswahl von Nüssen. Nach all den vielen Wahlen gehen wir nun zur Kasse und bezahlen für die gewählten Lebensmittel. Wir wollen keine Plastiktüten benutzen und stecken alle unsere gekauften Lebensmittel in einen Korb oder eine Einkaufstasche und die verstauen wir dann in den Kofferraum unseres Autos und fahren zufrieden nach Hause und hoffen das wir nichts vergessen haben.
Other departments have eggs and cleaning supplies and dog food, frozen edibles, many kinds of oils and canned fish. In the vegetable and fruit department we find carrots, cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, spinach and potatoes and lots of fruit is available. Oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, pears, apricots in summer, peaches and all the tropical fruits that I don't know a German name for. Then there is also a good selection of nuts. After all the many choices, we now go to the checkout and pay for the chosen food. We don't want to use plastic bags and we put all the groceries we bought in a basket or shopping bag and then we put that in the boot of our car and drive home happy and hoping we didn't forget anything.