My house is surrounded by a garden; I have the garden divided into 2 types. In front of the house, I have a flower garden, in the back of the house, I have a vegetable garden. I have different flowers flowering in every season. From November to May the roses give a beautiful display of flowers, supplemented by agapanthus and from February to May with a row of Dahlias. In the winter and early spring, the jonquils and daffodils herald the coming of warmer weather again. In the centre of the flower garden, I grow three lavender bushes which flower before the roses come on again. The whole garden is framed by eucalyptus trees. The vegetable garden gives me a year-round supply of vegetables. All year I harvest silver beet, parsley and beetroot. From Christmas to May I harvest tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, onions and carrots and I can store any surplus potatoes and carrots to last almost all year. From March till November, I harvest broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, and that way I live fairly healthy and self-sufficient.