The Cumberoona took us 7.9km (so 8km)".
Photographs: Margaret Walshe Photographs: Wendy Sturgess And from Andi, some maps and GPS based data on the walk..."by my GPS, the walk was 5.9km (as good as 6) and for Chinamans Island, I clocked up 2.4km, but I did keeping going off-track... The Cumberoona took us 7.9km (so 8km)". Images: Andi Stevenson
Twelve members plus visitor, Bill from England, walked along the Yarrawonga foreshore of Lake Mulwala to Chinaman’s Island and return on Wednesday 6th November. Interpretative signage along the route depicted Aboriginal history; Early settlement; the construction of the Yarrawonga Weir and Lake Mulwala to the present with revegetation of indigenous plants along the track. The top deck of the restored PS Cumberoona and Paddle Wheeler was the venue for a BBQ lunch and informative commentary of historic and local landmarks; the early Riverboat Trade and the significance of the Paddle Steamers on the Murray River. The day concluded with a visit to the Yarrawonga Weir, 1,992 km from the Murray River mouth. Construction of the Weir and its offtakes began in 1935 and completed in 1939, the water impounded by the Yarrawonga Weir forms Lake Mulwala. A hydroelectric generation facility and fish lift were added to the structure in 1994. A day of walking, historic facts and a cruise! Many thanks to the car owners who have generously offered to drive to our various locations during the year, you are an important cog in the group’s wheels. Margaret Walshe Photographs: Andrea Stevenson
U3A Easy Walk - Wednesday, 6 November - Yarrawonga
A walk along the foreshore of Lake Mulwala to Chinaman's Island. Originally an area used by the Aborigines to hunt for food & to gather fruit & seeds from the Riverine vegetation. Later a market garden undertaken by the Chinese immigrants. The area has been rehabilitated, with walking tracks overlooking the Lake & the Murray River with interpretive signage. Following lunch we will visit the Yarrawonga Weir, completed in 1939; the largest of the 14 weirs along the Murray River downstream of the Hume Reservoir. Lunch on the PS Cumberoona: As this will be our last walk for 2019, we will lunch on the PS Cumberoona departing 12 midday for a BBQ Lunch and 1.5 hour cruise around Lake Mulwala, cost $28.00, payment on boarding at 11.45 am. NOTE: Walkers, please meet at the Seniors Complex, Fawckner Drive, Benalla carpark at 8.45 am; bring water & nibbles. People wishing to join us for lunch & cruise only, meet at the PS Cumberoona, Yarrawonga at 11.45 am. As numbers are required by the PS Cumberoona, all participants please confirm booking with Margaret Walshe, ph: 0357623906/ 0427005202 by Wednesday 30 October ‘19. U3A Benalla “Taster Time” - Come & enjoy the Mighty Murray River. Margaret Walshe |
About - 'Bushwalking - Easywalks'This is a group for those who have enjoyed 'Serious Bushwalking' in the past but who now need to moderate their walks.
It is a very social group for anyone interested in exploring the amazing tracks, trails and lookouts within an easy to medium drive from Benalla. Even though the occasional weather glitch has challenged us over the past few years, Easy Walks has enjoyed many memorable times exploring our local area. Meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, the walks are generally limited to 8kms on well-defined tracks, occasionally with a short easy climb. Our days outing can include sites of historical or botanical interest and occasionally even a Winery! Even though the walks are labelled Easy Walks, it is important that participants be able to walk at a reasonable pace and be able to keep up with the group. Sturdy shoes are essential! You will also need to carry a small daypack with lunch, drinks, hat, wet weather gear, etc as needed. Meeting times1st Wednesday of the month from March.
*Meeting times in 2025 will be 8.45 am to depart at 9.00 am, depending on distances covered, with the convenor notified of attendees three days prior to the day. We leave from the carpark behind the Seniors Complex (U3A), Fawckner Drive, Benalla. Car sharing is usually available with a small cost. Please note - Meeting times depend on the season and weather conditions or as determined by the walk leader. Check the U3A Newsletter and confirm any details with the walk leader. Convenor 2025Bev Thornell
0447 193 244 Retiring ConvenorJulie McNeill
0407 823 031 Thank you, Julie, for co-convening Easy Walks with Glen Chesselss in 2021-2; then convening the group in 2023-4.
January 2025