Seven walkers had a great day on the various tracks through the Euroa Arboretum. There was a good display of Acacias including Acacia flexifolia (Bent-leaf wattle which flowered profusely in the Reef Hills this year), and Acacia lanigera (Wooly wattle). On the Northern side was a spectacular Acacia podalyrifolia (Queensland silver wattle or Mount Morgan wattle). Very bright yellow flowers and small blue-green phyllodes. Growing with this, was an Acacia vestita (Hairy Wattle) and nearby was a fenced area for Silver Banksia seed production, which would have flowered earlier this year. It was good to see many improvements and artificial mounds for future plantings.
We had lunch beside the lake before another short walk, and then drove back to the town to walk the Apex Seven Creeks track downstream. A very pleasant sunny day.
There should be a good display of flowers in the Killawarra Forest at this time of year. We will walk a circuit from the central camp ground before lunch and possibly a shorter circuit afterwards. We will leave Benalla from the tennis court at 10 am.
Vaughan Cowan 5762 1980.