Altogether, we managed just under 8kms, deciding to omit Balmattum Hill due to the high temperature and humidity. It was a great start to our walking year--thank you, Bev!
With Bev leading, fifteen enthusiastic walkers explored the Seven Creeks track and enjoyed a picnic lunch, before finishing with a stroll around the Arboretum and an encounter with a tortoise. Altogether, we managed just under 8kms, deciding to omit Balmattum Hill due to the high temperature and humidity. It was a great start to our walking year--thank you, Bev! Photographs - Bev Thornell and Andi Stevenson Julie McNeill
Wednesday 2 March: Seven Creeks Walk and Euroa Arboretum Our first walk for the year will see us led by Bev along the lovely Seven Creeks track, as described in February’s newsletter. With a picnic lunch in the gardens after the 7.5km route, we will then go on to a gentle stroll through the Euroa Arboretum for those interested. We meet for the day at the Seniors’ carpark, Fawkner Drive, at 9am. Please confirm with Glenys Chessells on 0431 201 077 or [email protected]. Remember to bring a picnic lunch, snacks, a drink and comfortable shoes. Wednesday 6 April: Cremona Bridge and Yarck April sees us travelling a bit further from home with a walk to the historic Cremona Bridge, led by Andi. This much anticipated walk was lost to Covid lockdown last year, the bridge having an interesting local history. We will meet at 9am at the Seniors’ carpark for the drive of just over an hour. With a rest stop at Yarck, we go on to Cathkin Station, walking on from there to the bridge (pictured below) for morning tea. Lunch will be at Yarck Recreation Reserve, byo picnic and takeaway from the Giddy Goat available, with a further walk from the Reserve afterwards. Total distance will be approximately 6.5km.
Please confirm as above with Glen, by April 4th. If new members are unsure of their abilities for these walks, please check with convenors Glen Chessells or Julie McNeill 0407823031. Car sharing is usually available with a small contribution to costs. Members are asked to confirm with Glen beforehand if they need transport or can provide it. Julie McNeill |
About - 'Bushwalking - Easywalks'This is a group for those who have enjoyed 'Serious Bushwalking' in the past but who now need to moderate their walks.
It is a very social group for anyone interested in exploring the amazing tracks, trails and lookouts within an easy to medium drive from Benalla. Even though the occasional weather glitch has challenged us over the past few years, Easy Walks has enjoyed many memorable times exploring our local area. Meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, the walks are generally limited to 8kms on well-defined tracks, occasionally with a short easy climb. Our days outing can include sites of historical or botanical interest and occasionally even a Winery! Even though the walks are labelled Easy Walks, it is important that participants be able to walk at a reasonable pace and be able to keep up with the group. Sturdy shoes are essential! You will also need to carry a small daypack with lunch, drinks, hat, wet weather gear, etc as needed. Meeting times1st Wednesday of the month from March.
*Meeting times in 2025 will be 8.45 am to depart at 9.00 am, depending on distances covered, with the convenor notified of attendees three days prior to the day. We leave from the carpark behind the Seniors Complex (U3A), Fawckner Drive, Benalla. Car sharing is usually available with a small cost. Please note - Meeting times depend on the season and weather conditions or as determined by the walk leader. Check the U3A Newsletter and confirm any details with the walk leader. Convenor 2025Bev Thornell
0447 193 244 Retiring ConvenorJulie McNeill
0407 823 031 Thank you, Julie, for co-convening Easy Walks with Glen Chesselss in 2021-2; then convening the group in 2023-4.
January 2025