Four walkers enjoyed the sunshine as they traversed Dave’s Hill, near Mount Meg at Thoona. We expected a muddy track, but found it was quite solid because of the elevation, and only encountered occasional springs and seepage areas. The views east to the Warby Ranges and west to Mount Meg were spectacular.
We lunched on the eastern side, overlooking green paddocks and grazing sheep. On return to the car, we decided to drive a bit further to visit Pine Gully and check out the falls. This was well worth the trip, as there was an exceptional flow in the creek and over the falls.
We will be walking part, or all, of the Friend's track, starting from Wenham's campground in the Warby's. It is a classic walk, and there should be quite a few flowers on display. We will leave Benalla at 9.30am.
There will be no easy walk in October, but the November walk will probably be in the Reef Hills.