Publicity Officer.
President Margaret Jenkins presented a Life Membership Award to Terry Case at the 2023 Annual General Meeting: "I would like to thank Terry Case for his outstanding contribution to U3A Benalla over many years. Terry was President from 2014 to 2017, past President from 2017 to 2021, Convenor of both Politics and Current Affairs and Australian History courses each for over 10 years, and a great supporter of U3A Benalla. For his outstanding contribution, the Committee have decided to award him Life Membership of U3A Benalla." In his response, Terry affirmed the important part U3A plays in the life of its members. He also reminded us that this role still retains importance to members when it becomes more difficult for them to continue at a level they had formerly managed with ease.
Beverley Lee Web Manager The U3A Benalla and District AGM was held on Wednesday 15 March 2023. Margaret Jenkin's most informative report to the AGM can be found on the President's Page. Following the AGM and election of office bearers, guest speaker Tom Arnold, the Community Development Officer from Benalla Rural City Council, provided a clear and thoughtfully presented background to the current initiative regarding use of public space in the Fawkner Drive lakeside precinct. An invitation has been received from the Benalla Croquet Club who are holding Come and Try days at its venue at the Tennis Courts, Ackerly Avenue, Benalla on Thursday 16th February and Tuesday 21st February, commencing at 9.00am.
All you need to do is turn up wearing flat, comfortable shoes. All the equipment that you will require will be supplied on the day. When playing croquet, apart from the social aspect and being with friendly people you will get exercise walking around the courts, exercise your brain by learning to judge where to hit the balls, whether you use jump shots, removing your opponent’s ball out of the way, as well as lining up and placing the balls in and through the hoops. Another benefit is the exercise obtained when using the upper part of your body and arms when hitting the ball. It is also a lot of fun. Contact: Irene Clift 0475 200 427 or email [email protected]. Heather Wallace The staff of the Benalla Art Gallery, under Gallery Director Eric Nash, offer a unique selection of quality and diverse events during the year.
Coming up: First Mondays: Deborah Kelly Artist Talk – 10am Monday 6 February; Masterclass with Deborah Kelly: Make a diminutive deity – 9am- 4.30pm Tuesday 7 February; Exhibition Celebration: Daniel O’Toole – Voices from the Void – 6pm Friday 17 February; Collective Discussion: Giacomo Boschi explores ‘What it means to listen’ – 3pm Friday 3 March; Concert: Alyce Platt presents ‘Someone’s Daughter’ – 6pm Saturday 11 March; Exhibition Celebration: Tony Lloyd – High Plains Drift – 6pm Friday 17 March; Film Screening: Journey Beyond Fear – 6pm Sunday 26 March. To register to attend phone 5760 2619 or email: [email protected] Pamela O'Connor Friends of Benalla Art Gallery What a fantastic turnout to Enrolment Day on Wednesday 11 January. A big thank you to all Convenors who came and spent the morning talking to members who wanted to know more about the various courses.
Thank you also to all members of the Committee who came early to set up the Auditorium, and who willingly slotted into whatever needed doing during the morning. You all helped to make the morning run smoothly. It was good to see so many members re-enrolling, and also to meet many new people who had recently moved to Benalla and wanted to join U3A Benalla. If you could not get to Enrolment Day, it is not too late enrol! The Membership Application Renewal Form, Program Guide and Timetables for 2022 are available on the Join/Join Us menu above or in a kit available from the RedB4 Bookshop, Bridge Street (next to Hide's Bakery). Return the signed form, with required fee (cheque only) or evidence of EFT* payment noted, to RedB4 Bookshop; post to U3A Benalla, PO Box 674, Benalla 3671 or scan & email to [email protected]. Margaret Jenkins President Enrolment Day was held at the Seniors' Community Centre on the morning of Wednesday 11 January, however it's not too late to enrol!
The Membership Application Form for new members, Program Guide 2023 and Timetables for 2022 are available on the Join/Join Us menu above or in the 'kit' which can be collected from the RedB4 Bookshop, Bridge Street (next to Hide's Bakery). Members enrolled last year can still return the individualised Membership Renewal forms emailed or posted to them. Please print the form, make any corrections to your details, then add your program selections. Return the signed form, with required fee attached or evidence of EFT* payment noted, to:
During the past ten days we have lost two U3A Benalla members. John Ellis, who was in the Play Reading Group and was a member of Coin Collectors and the former Armchair Traveller Group, passed away in Melbourne on November 30th. John was involved in many organisations in Benalla including Legacy, the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Benalla Theatre Company. He also had many friends within the Catholic Church in Benalla. Our sympathy is extended to his wife Janice who is also a member of U3A Benalla. Mel Jeffree passed away on 2nd December in Benalla. Mel for three years organised the music for his wife Helen’s Exercises for Fun, which has been conducted on a Monday morning since 2018. Mel always had a great smile and a few words for all the participants of Exercises for Fun, and readily joined in the frivolities of being saluted by the group as they went through the marching exercises. Due to ill health Mel has not been in charge of the music for the past 18 months. However, he did come to the Get Online lunch in October and enjoyed seeing everyone there. Our sympathy is extended to Helen on her loss of Mel. Margaret Jenkins Australian History Australian History replaces Armchair History in 2023 - "We'll range from local history through the intrusion of new settlers on original inhabitants' land, examine colonial office control of this British outpost and the myth of terra nullius We'll look at gold and democracy, but balance it with some awkward truths. Today we are still part of the struggle to share power and give all a voice." Convenor: Terry Case 2nd and 4th Friday 2 to 4 pm U3A Room 1 Be Connected - Managing Money Online A new course from the Be Connected team - "Not sure about managing money online? This course uses Be Connected Modules to explore banking online - paying bills, setting up a banking app, using the bank website, checking balances and statements and transferring money. We'll also look at PayPal and making online purchases. Be Connected - Managing Money Online will run for one Semester Feb - June." Jenny Sawyer/Robyn Lukey 2nd and 3rd Monday 11.30 - 12.30 U3A Room 1 Enjoying the Internet A course for members keen to venture beyond the basics to find out more about what the internet can offer! Targeting members already comfortable with tasks such as online subscriptions, emailing with photo attachments and managing files, there's an enormous range of possible content to explore. Members will be encouraged to contribute topics, to develop the skills covered in class during the month and to report back during a 'Pains and Gains' segment at the following class. 'Enjoying the Internet' will focus on supporting PC and laptop users; however, users of other devices are also welcome. Convenor: Dawn Stephens 3rd Tuesday 10 am to 12 noon U3A Room 1 'In the Lap of the Gods' This course will explain Graeco Roman religion and mythology in the context of religion as a whole and differentiate it clearly from modern religions. Convenor John Barry is keen to “infuse those attending with the same sense of joy that I had when I read my first book on Graeco-Roman mythology at the age of ten.” Convenor: John Barry 1st Friday 2 to 4 pm U3A Room 1 Jane Austen Book Club Can you ever get too much Jane Austen? Books, TV series, Films? In this semester we will read Austen's 6 novels and have time for some films. Teenagers running off with soldiers, your best friend marrying a dud, your mother impossible and haughty rich men ridiculing you! Really!!! Come and discover why Regency England was very similar to today. Meets in U3A main room, unlimited numbers. Convenor: Meg Dillon 2nd Tuesday 2 - 4 pm U3A Room 1 Photography Are you interested in taking more interesting photographs? Do you have a device - mobile phone, tablet - or a reasonably simple camera, SLR which you would like to learn to apply new skils on? This course focuses mostly on the former, but hopefully will also help in developing confidence in using your camera, whether phone or other - to take creatively composed photographs. Convenor: Rene Martens 4th Thursday 10 am to 12 noon U3A Room 1 Sky's the Limit Commencing in February 2023, our new course The Sky’s the Limit has been designed for those with an interest in gliding, flying, the history of aviation, with past lives involving aircraft in some way. Sessions will include guest speakers with backgrounds in aviation and stories to tell, the occasional excursion and more. Class members will play an active role in suggesting and deciding upon topics for the monthly sessions/expeditions. Convenor: Claire Rudolph 1st Tuesday 2 to 4pm U3A Room 1 Tech Advice This is an appointment only technology problem solver session one on one with either Robyn or Jenny depending on your device, Android or Apple. It will operate directly following the Be Connected classes and is available to all enrolled U3A members. Tech Advice will run for one semester, Feb - June. Convenors: Robyn Lukey (Android devices) Jenny Sawyer (Apple Devices) Times 2nd and 3rd Mondays 12.30 - 1pm Venue: U3A Room 2 Tech Savvy Apple - Pages Attention Apple Device Owners! Are you interested in Word Processing using Apple's free inbuilt app, "Pages"? Once a month we'll explore Apple's alternative to Word (The orange square with the pen). This is a short course that runs for one semester, February to June. Convenor: Jenny Sawyer Times: 2nd Wednesday 2 to 3.30pm U3A Room 1 Ukes4Fun Have you always wanted to play a musical instrument? Perhaps you have played a ukulele, guitar or banjo in the past and have always wanted to get back to playing music? The ukulele is simple to learn and lots of fun as an activity with others. Using ‘Uke3A Introduction to learning the ukulele’ as a guide you will learn how to hold, tune and play simple chords on your ukulele, with a variety of strumming patterns. You will get lots of support and will have fun learning together. Before you know it, you’ll be accompanying songs. You will need a ukulele of reasonable quality, a music stand, and a tuner. Convenors: Heather Wallace/Dorothy Webber Mondays 12.45 to 1:45 pm Auditorium Wise Guys Book Group We know that a lot of our male members enjoy reading, however suspect that joining 'Let's Talk Libros' and 'Page Turners' may be rather offputting as both are currently all female groups. "The Wise Guys Book Group will cater for predominantly men's interests, with book titles drawn largely from non-fiction genres including 'Biography/Memoir', 'Exploration', Warfare', 'Spycraft', 'Mystery', 'Crime', 'Adventure', 'Politics', 'Farming' and more. Titles might include Burke and Wills by Peter Fitzsimons' a Vietnam memori, Tunnel Rats, by Jimmy Thomson; Light and Shadow, Memoirs of a Spy's Son, the biography of journalist Mark Colvin; as well as books suggested by group members as the course progresses." Convenor - David Palmer - 4th Wednesday 2 to 4 pm, U3A Classroom 1 Also in Semester 1Cards '500' - (previously Saturday Cards '500') will meet on the 3rd and 5th Wednesdays from 2 - 4 pm, with Doug Smith taking up over the reins as convenor. The Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group has been added to the timetable, Semester 2Returning! Demystifying Psychology - 5-session short course New! Wildflowers of the North East
Investment Group members with their prized awards for the group's 2022 'Selection' competitions--John (Monthly) and Nola (Long Term)
Fortunately, the Seniors Community Centre Building was not damaged by the floods in mid-October, however it would have been impossible to park in the lower car park at the height of the flood. Music Appreciation and Armchair History did not go ahead on Friday 14th October, while Lifeball has been adjourned until after the Ackerly Avenue facility is assessed for damage. Photographs: Skate Park and U3A Entrance to Seniors Community Centre late on 13 October 2022 - Greer Allen (with permission)
Heather Wallace and Bev Lee recently visited U3A Goulburn Valley's Ukes3A ‘Just Jammin’ Group in Shepparton. The group meets every Monday from 12.15 to 1.15 'sharp', however smaller 'breakout' groups play in different parts of the building before and after the meeting. Greeted warmly and encouraged to sit in with the group, we watched as retired teacher and 'rock' guitarist John Canty worked with his class, ourselves supported by Geoff Holland, who John is mentoring to become an alternative group leader. It wasn't long before Heather, who has agreed to be convenor of our new Ukes4Fun guided self-help group, was sharing a music stand with Geoff and playing along with the group. John and Geoff willingly shared information about the establishment and operation of the group and are happy to provide us with support in future. Thank you so much John, Geoff, Elizabeth and other members of Shepparton's Ukes3A group, for making us so welcome!
Bev and Heather We are now heading toward the last weeks of our U3A program for 2022 and already planning for 2023. Terry Case has put Tudor History aside and looking forward to some sessions on Australian History. Claire Rudolph has already booked the U3A Meeting Room on the first Tuesday afternoon for The Sky’s the Limit, a course for aviation enthusiasts, whilst Jane Rushworth has some new ideas in the Psychology basket.
We continue to investigate the possibility of a Ukulele class for some keen music lovers and a Photography class. The trialling of some new online short course programs in 2023 is being looked at and the piloting of a semester-length book group for the men in Benalla U3A is being explored. The Program Committee is open to ideas or suggestions of courses and activities that members would be interested in, so don’t be nervous about suggesting new groups you would be keen to be part of. At this time of the year, we also offer ‘taster’ opportunities. Over the coming weeks, why not bring a friend along to one of the groups you are in or try a new one yourself to see if you like it. Geraldine McCorkell, Programs Coordinator Spring is here, bringing with it agricultural shows, festivals, jumble sales, art shows, concerts, exhibitions, luncheons, swooping magpies and daffodils!
It’s the time of the year when we invite friends interested in joining U3A to ‘taste’ our courses and activities. Why not bring a friend along to one of the groups you are in or try a new one yourself to see if you like it. If you know anyone who is thinking of joining U3A next year, please let them know about this. People attending taster sessions just need to speak to the convenor beforehand and put their names on the attendance roll when they arrive, they don’t need to formally enrol. October is Seniors Month. U3A Benalla’s Seniors’ Month activities include the launching of our new pamphlet at a street stall encouraging new members to join and the ‘taster’ opportunities mentioned above. Our Be Connected-funded ‘Try One Thing’ event is being held during Seniors Week, following Meet and Mingle on Wednesday 21 October at 11.45 am. Jenny Sawyer will be guest speaker at a light lunch which is free to U3A members. ‘Building Back Better in a Post Covid environment' is the theme of this year’s U3A Network Victoria conference, which returns after a long break. It is being held in Bendigo from the 2-4 October and our Vice-President, Anne Nelson, will be representing U3A Benalla. The Benalla Agricultural Show returns on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October this year, with U3A Benalla one of this year’s sponsors in the Handicrafts section. The Benalla Festival is back in November 2022. We are hoping to have an information stand at the Day in the Gardens Market, on Sunday 6 November. If you would be happy to help set up and pack up on the day, we’d love to hear from you! Our Singing for Fun, Recorder and Patchwork groups are currently working towards our annual ‘Meet and Mingle’ Concert, Quilt Exhibition and Morning Tea to be held in the Auditorium on Wednesday 16 November from 10 am to 12 noon. All welcome! Finally, Wine Appreciation convenor Nicole McFarlane has investigated and submitted possible venues for the U3A Benalla Christmas Luncheon, traditionally held in the 4th week of November. More details in upcoming newsletters. There certainly is a lot to look forward to! Our new course, The Sky’s the Limit, is for those with an interest in gliding, flying, the history of aviation, with past lives involving aircraft in some way, has been held over to the beginning of the year!
Sessions will include guest speakers with backgrounds in aviation and stories to tell, the occasional excursion and more. Class members will play an active role in suggesting & deciding upon monthly session topics/expeditions. Interested? For information, contact Claire at [email protected]. Dr Margaret Ann (Mardi) Scharp OAM had a stellar nursing career. I knew her as a Registered Nurse (Sister), Nurse Teacher and Director of Nursing (Matron) at Prince Henry’s Hospital in Melbourne. Mardi left Prince Henry’s when she was seconded to the Health Department Victoria to oversee the transfer of General Nursing Training from the hospital sector to the tertiary sector in the 1980s. During her career she was heavily involved in nursing advocacy with the Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF), the Victorian Nursing Council (VNC) which oversaw nursing registration and statewide exams and the College of Nursing Australia (whic ran post graduate nursing degrees). .Many of her roles involved board memberships or Presidency. The VNC role also involved setting of and marking finals examination papers statewide. Mardi traveled extensively, both overseas and locally, with her husband and other close friends. She played the bagpipes and was a member of bands which played during Moomba and Anzac Day marches in Melbourne. At U3A, Mardi was involved with Community Singing and Brain Games. Mardi was on the original Steering Committee of Age Friendly Benalla in 2017, and remained as a Committee person of AFB until 2021 Mardi moved to Benalla to live in Cooinda, where she was near her brother John, participating in activities there such as managing the roster for The Hub. To me she was a great friend and work colleague with a lovely nature and willingness to help and support her friends and family. Photograph of Mardi taken at Community Singing, 'The Hub' Cooinda, 28 April, 2021 Vale, Mardi.
Wendy Sturgess
Margaret Jenkins, President, 8 July 2022 Over twenty U3A members attended both lectures given by John Barry during May. In the first lecture John covered Powers of Attorney, whilst in the second lecture he covered making a Will and Estate Planning. Whilst both can be difficult subjects to address, John gave many stories to illustrate the points be made, and even injected some humour into the topics.
In the first lecture John first explained that an Enduring Power of Attorney covered both personal matters, such as where you can live as well as being able to deal with financial matters when the person making the Power of Attorney is incapable of making their own decisions. It was emphasised that at all times the person taking on the responsibility of the Power of Attorney had to deal honestly and diligently with the responsibility given to him or her. There was a need for the person appointing the Power of Attorney to also appoint a medical treatment decision maker, which may or may not be the same person who was being named as the holder of the Enduing Power of Attorney. When appointing a medical treatment decision maker, it was wise to consider making an Advanced Care Directive at the same time. This would assist your medical decision maker in the future about your wishes. There are two types of Advanced Care Directives. The first type of Advanced Care Directive is termed a Values Directive. In this you record your values and preferences for your medical treatment to guide your medical treatment decision maker. The second type of Advanced Care Directive is termed an Instructional Directive. In this you make legally binding statements directed to your health practitioners, in which you consent to, or refuse, specific future medical treatment. To complete the Power of Attorney it is often a good idea to appoint a Support person who can guide you with the options available in a particular situation. Once again, this can be the same person holding the Enduring Power of Attorney, or another individual if that is more appropriate. In the second lecture about Wills, John’s opinion was that the Will kit bought from the Newsagent on Making a Will, provided it was carefully followed, was a much cheaper and satisfactory alternative to instructing a lawyer to make your Will. Throughout the presentations there were numerous questions, which John dealt with as they were asked. The questions showed that the audience appreciated John’s presentations of what could be a difficult subject, but one which he made very interesting. Margaret Jenkins Meet and Mingle Click on the image below to check out photos and read the report on the wonderful 'Meet and Mingle' session with Tom Amery of Ambulance Victoria on the Use of the Defibrillator on the 18th May.
The U3A Benalla and District Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 16 March preceded the March 'Meet and Mingle'. Guest speaker, Tomorrow Today Foundation CEO Rosie Koop, officiated at the election of office bearers then provided a most informative overview of the Foundation, from inception, the growth of a focus on early childhood programs such as the PEEP program, and the improved outcomes which have been statistically, as well as anecdotally, evident as a result of their work.
This photo gallery includes photographs of Vice President Margaret Jenkins presenting the Annual Report for Dorothy Webber, Secretary Geraldine McCorkell reading the minutes of the previous AGM, and Rosie Koop presenting to the audience, as well as photos of 'meeting and mingling' of U3A members with Rosie and Rural City of Benalla Councillors Danny Claridge, Don Firth and Punarji Gunaratne. Condolences are extended to our immediate past President, Dorothy Webber, following the recent passing of her husband Laurie following a long illness. Laurie was well known to members as he answered the phone, took messages and was a wonderful support to Dorothy during her Presidency of U3A Benalla. Our thoughts are with Dorothy, her family and many friends during this sad time. At the Convenors Meeting held in February 2022 there was a question concerning use of the Defibrillator which is stored in the main Auditorium of the Benalla Senior’s Centre. Following this question we are pleased to announce that we have invited Ambulance Victoria to give us some information about Use of the Defibrillator at our May Meet and Mingle which will be held on Wednesday 18th May 2022 at 10am in our U3A room. In the meantime we have been sent the following information from Ambulance Victoria called Call Push Shock FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) which we are adding to our Website with their permission. The information is available to our Convenors and other U3A Members if required. Margaret Jenkins
News updateThis page is for 'general' news - some will be 'just in' news notices of changes to timetables or news of meetings; other items will be celebratory, some will be sad, there will be some longer news items on topics of interest. What's On CalendarContributionsContributions and suggestions can be sent via the 'Contact Us' form or by emailing or telephoning the web manager on 0478 607 838.
Course SuggestionsA Program Suggestions page is available for your course ideas and suggestions.
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February 2025