Our Program Committee is moving into planning new courses for 2024, and Course Coordinator Anne Nelson is keen to hear your suggestions. It’s also the time for convenors to decide whether to continue offering their course next year or perhaps take a break; suggest a name change or put in a bid for a different time/venue change in the timetable.
Ideas for several new courses are already on the table (more news in the next newsletter), however ‘now’s the time’ if you have an idea for a course you’d like to convene or co-convene; have heard of a course at another U3A which sounds interesting or have an idea for a course you’d like us to offer.
An avid traveller (or travellers) could perhaps offer ‘Armchair Traveller’ traveller now the Covid hiatus has passed. We are still looking for members interested in convening courses such as ‘French’ and ‘Pickleball’, and we have fully resourced course guides available for a ‘First Nations’ course and several other courses.
For more information contact Course Coordinator Anne Nelson 0438 447 379 email [email protected]