Thank you also to all members of the Committee who came early to set up the Auditorium, and who willingly slotted into whatever needed doing during the morning. You all helped to make the morning run smoothly.
It was good to see so many members re-enrolling, and also to meet many new people who had recently moved to Benalla and wanted to join U3A Benalla.
If you could not get to Enrolment Day, it is not too late enrol! The Membership Application Renewal Form, Program Guide and Timetables for 2022 are available on the Join/Join Us menu above or in a kit available from the RedB4 Bookshop, Bridge Street (next to Hide's Bakery). Return the signed form, with required fee (cheque only) or evidence of EFT* payment noted, to RedB4 Bookshop; post to U3A Benalla, PO Box 674, Benalla 3671 or scan & email to [email protected].
Margaret Jenkins