In addition to the slideshow, if you click on the following photos, you can view them in a larger size! What a fantastic turnout to Enrolment Day on Wednesday 11 January. A big thank you to all Convenors who came and spent the morning talking to members who wanted to know more about the various courses.
Thank you also to all members of the Committee who came early to set up the Auditorium, and who willingly slotted into whatever needed doing during the morning. You all helped to make the morning run smoothly. It was good to see so many members re-enrolling, and also to meet many new people who had recently moved to Benalla and wanted to join U3A Benalla. If you could not get to Enrolment Day, it is not too late enrol! The Membership Application Renewal Form, Program Guide and Timetables for 2022 are available on the Join/Join Us menu above or in a kit available from the RedB4 Bookshop, Bridge Street (next to Hide's Bakery). Return the signed form, with required fee (cheque only) or evidence of EFT* payment noted, to RedB4 Bookshop; post to U3A Benalla, PO Box 674, Benalla 3671 or scan & email to [email protected]. Margaret Jenkins President What a successful enrolment day! Although enrolments will still come in over the next few weeks, it's highly likely that the bulk of enrolment forms for 2022 were processed on Wednesday.
It was wonderful to see so many members attending and the Age Friendly Benalla Hub in action. Thanks go to the dedicated committee members and convenors who welcomed and supported attendees and to the 'Memberships Team' who worked so effectively to process enrolments. Bev Lee With renovations continuing at the Seniors Community Centre, Enrolment Days were held this year at the Benalla Town Hall. Numbers were down in terms of attendance, however many enrolment forms had already been received via ReadB4 books; post, email or delivery to Len's home,
It was wonderful to chat to new and existing members who had questions, to catch up with other convenors and to hear updates from President, Dorothy Webber. Although Covid-safe regulations meant that members couldn't mingle at morning tea this year, many members could be found catching up with friends at local cafes after enrolling. Bev Lee Enrolment days will be held at Benalla Town Hall on Monday 18th January – 9.30am to 11.00am and Wednesday 20th January – 9.30am to 11.00am. Due to the disruption of classes in 2020 during the Covid-19 Virus lockdown, the U3A Committee agreed that there will be no additional payment in 2021 for members who enrolled and paid in 2020. However, if you received your Newsletter by mail, there will be a cost of $10 payable to cover cost of postage. New members enrolling in 2021 will pay the $30 fee, plus $10 to cover postage if they wish to receive the Newsletter by mail. Membership forms were e-mailed to existing members late last week. Please check the enrolment form is correct to ensure that your details are current. Put a cross against the classes you are interested in participating and return to U3A on enrolment days, RedB4 Bookshop or mail to U3A Benalla, P O Box 674, Benalla 3671. Only enrol in preferred courses that you will be attending. In the past members have ticked the box of a number of activities but only attended two or three during the semester. Due to Co-vid restrictions on the number of people who can be in one room at the same time, there will be a limit on number of class participants. Please ensure you do wish to do the course that you have ticked and make sure your completed enrolment forms are returned as soon as possible. If you change your mind about a course please let the convenor know so that someone on the waiting list can be contacted. Due to room availability some courses may not commence until halfway through February or the first week in March, or may be held in alternative locations. Your Committee are working hard to ensure that you have the best venue for the number of participants in your activity. Once enrolments have been received your Convenor will be in contact with you to confirm your enrolment and advise when the course will begin. Due to Covid restrictions there will be no serving of tea and coffee at Enrolment Day this year. Bring your own bottle of water and make sure you are wearing a mask whilst in the Town Hall precinct. Attached to the January Newsletter and on the Join Us page of the web site you will find a blank Membership Application/Renewal Enrolment form, Program Guide, Full Timetable with Dates. The newly released U3A Benalla and District Covid-Safe Plan is included in he January Newsletter and in a post on this page. Please read this plan carefully and comply with its requirements at all times. Committee of Management This post featured in the January Newsletter and could be read in conjunction with the information on the Join Us page under Join on the menu above.
Enrolments for 2018 will be held between 9:30 and 11:30 at Cooinda on 15 January and Senior Citizens Centre on 17 January. Here are links to the key enrolment documents for 2018:
Program Guide 2018 Membership Applic'n/Renewal Timetable 2018--Month Overview Membership for 2018 remains at $30 per person. Newsletters are emailed free of charge; if you require your newsletter posted there is an additional charge of $10 for postage. After Enrolment Day, forms can be left with payment at RedB4 Bookshop (next to HIde's Bakery) or a cheque, with application form, can be mailed to: Secretary U3A PO Box 674 Benalla Vic 3671 |
News updateThis page is for 'general' news - some will be 'just in' news notices of changes to timetables or news of meetings; other items will be celebratory, some will be sad, there will be some longer news items on topics of interest. What's On CalendarContributionsContributions and suggestions can be sent via the 'Contact Us' form or by emailing or telephoning the web manager on 0478 607 838.
Course SuggestionsA Program Suggestions page is available for your course ideas and suggestions.
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