Two new activities will be conducted during the 2nd Semester –
The first activity is HOT TOPICS – 3rd Friday of the Month – 1.30pm to 3.30pm – the Convenors are Carole Marple and Joan Laing.
Do you enjoy discussing current affairs? In today’s world of disasters with half-baked solutions we feel that we all have some of the solutions to these problems and yet we have no outlet for our views. Well, we have now! It is called ‘Hot Topics’ and will cover topics ranging from Reality Television to the Uluru Statement, from Climate Change to Tabloid Journalism, from Euthanasia to the Newstart allowance. Topics discussed will be wide ranging, but there will always be a topic set for a chaired discussion and you will get a chance to prepare your thoughts for the next session. Come along, It will be great to get things ‘off your chest’.
The second activity is BE CONNECTED which is an Australian Government initiative to help people make the most out of being online. We will be going through some online learning modules to give you better skills when using the internet.
Be Connected will run during Semester II and include two short courses; one for Apple Users and another for Android users
The Be Connected Course for Apple users will be held at 1:30pm - 3:30pm on Wednesdays 18th July, 1st and 15th August
The Be Connected Course for Android users will be held at .1:30pm - 3:30pm on Wednesdays 29th August, 5th September and 19th September
To Be Connected online can mean:
· Talking to family and friends who live far away
· Keeping up to date with what’s happening in your community
· Shopping online safely and securely
· Following interests and hobbies online