- Remind ourselves about dates and times – just go to the home page and scroll down the calendar
- Reminisce about the activities we’ve participated in with our group/s (Hint: when you get to the bottom of the group’s page, just click on ‘previous’ to go to earlier entries.)
- Find previous newsletters – for example, to find last year's December's newsletter, check out the side menu on the About/Newsletter page and click on December 2021.
- Search for people, activities, events from the past – just use the search box at the top of the page
- Access the U3A Benalla and District Facebook account – just go to the top menu and click on FB.
We are delighted that Janice Ellis (pictured) has volunteered to work on the website. Janice is currently learning to add newsletter reports to the website. Thank you, Janice!
I'd also like to thank Be Connected andTech Savvy Beginners - Apple convenor Jenny Sawyer and Tech Savvy Beginners - Android convenor Robyn Lukey for incorporating ‘learning to use U3A Benalla's website’ in their classes. Thank you, Jenny and Robyn.
Last but not least, thanks go to the convenors and ‘news correspondents’ whose newsletter reports and photographs are posted on the website each month. What a wonderful resource you provide.
The U3A Benalla and District page on Facebook has gradually grown to 200 followers. It’s a very gentle site, with a small audience and to date, no ‘trolls’. Roving photographers and Facebook contributors Bev Thornell and Andi Stevenson's regular posts are always engaging and also provide a wonderful resource for the website. Thank you, Bev and Andi.
On a final note, our ‘Facebook Post of the Year’, posted in August by Andi Stevenson, features Betty Milligan's poem, 'Here We Go Again'. It received 14 likes, 4 comments and 15 shares!