Attention Tutors and Convenors! Scheduled classes will be held, however I will need to switch off the security system and open the main entrance prior to classes entering W4. I will endeavor to have the room ready 15 minutes prior to the timetabled start. I would ask tutors who have a key to W4 not to open the door until you know I have turned the security system off.
I will return when the last class of the day is finished and then turn the system on.
During the holiday period, do not attempt to enter the building, other than for timetabled classes.
- 1/10/15 (Seniors’ week).The Singing for fun group presents “Sing-a-long for Seniors” Baptist Church, Bridge St. 10am.
- 21/10/15 Meet & Mingle in the Library
- 18/11/15 Meet & Mingle in the “Cooinda Hub”. Annual concert and display of quilts.
- 25/11/15 (4th Wednesday in November) Christmas Lunch.