We will review this decision at the end of Semester 1. This decision includes all off-site Groups.
We hope that when we resume you are all fit and healthy. Stay safe.
Dorothy Webber
21 March 2020
Because of the situation with the Corona virus and the latest spatial requirements, the Committee has decided to shut down Benalla U3A.
We will review this decision at the end of Semester 1. This decision includes all off-site Groups. We hope that when we resume you are all fit and healthy. Stay safe. Dorothy Webber President 21 March 2020 It is with great pleasure that I make my report for the last year.
We have had many social events this year: A Benalla Rural City Sponsored Morning Tea at which the Recorder Group entertained us, was held in October. On the same day we followed on with a Be Connected sponsored BBQ lunch, a busy day as both events had to be held that week. The November Meet n Mingle was once again entertained by the Singing for Fun Group and the display of the work of the Patchwork Group Our first evening event was held in February. A good time was enjoyed by all with tasty Pizzas and a cake to celebrate Benalla’s involvement with Be Connected. We continue with our meetings with Council and other users of the building. Looking to the future we were asked to put forward our suggestions for the redesign of the interior of the building. We await what that decision will be. My thanks go to Margaret Jenkins who put a very professional design together. With a view to utilising the space more efficiently, the Thursday mornings Singing for Fun and Community Singing now meet in the auditorium. The success of U3A Benalla is largely due to the wonderful Conveners who continually put themselves forward to lead sessions, and my wonderful Committee who have worked so hard for you this year. The growth of the Benalla retirement community sees our membership growing. Currently we have 341 members - 246 Ladies and 95 Gentlemen. This is an increase of 66 from what we had last year. Considering that we had 60 new members last year and so far 68 this year that is incredible growth. We have 48 courses on offer in Semester 1. The future of Benalla U3A is looking very positive as we continue to grow our membership and courses. Once again I have kept close relationship with the Network by attending the Regional Meetings. A two-day meeting was held here in Benalla at BPACC in April and a one-day meeting was held In Seymour in September. Having myself and members of our committee attending and networking is beneficial to us and all U3As across our region. Geraldine McCorkell regularly attends the meetings at the Network in Melbourne and keeps us updated. My thanks to Geraldine for this service. Once again my thanks to the Committee who have helped me no end over the last year. Dorothy Webb President |
President's PageMargaret Jenkins
Annual President's Reports to AGM
November 2024
Developed and maintained by members, this website showcases U3A Benalla & District.
Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria