Tech Savvy Be Connected Tuesday 7, 14 and 21 January – 10am-11am
Whether or not you attended previous sessions last semester, you are welcome to bring your portable devices to our summer school to extend your computing know-ledge & skills. Contact: Margaret Jenkins 5762 6944 Jenny Sawyer 0409 545 182
Patchwork Thursday 9 & 23 January - 10am-4pm
The Patchwork Group is continuing its tradition of holding day long sessions in January, increasing the number this year from one to two. Contact: Dorothy Webber 5762 2116 or 0412 263 071
Community Singing Friday 10, 17 & 24 January - 10.30 am-11.45 am
Due to a kind offer by Brian Greed, Singing for Fun are running three Community Singing mornings in January. Singing for Fun members and other members of U3A are invited to attend. Each session will have a break for morning tea and is expected to finish about 11.45 am. Contact: Margaret Jenkins 5762 6944
Life Ball Recommences Monday 13th January 9.45 to 11.30am
Life Ball is also returning in mid-January at the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre in Ackerly Avenue. Weekly sessions recommence Monday 13 January.
Contact: Max Powell 0423 525 565
Dorothy Webber, President