Currently we have been asked by Benalla Council to provide a submission for the use of the Rest Room and former Red Cross area in the kitchen for our Office and storage. The Executive is in the process of doing this and it will be submitted by the due date April 13th.
The noise issue also requires a submission along with a proposed solution. A suggestion is that a wall be erected at the end of the corridor as a starting point. As it stands the building is not suitable for multiple uses at the same time.
In June we had a display at the Library in their display cabinet. The range of activities on show was very well received, with lots of comments as to the diverse range of courses on offer.
In the 2nd semester of 2017 membership reached 250 for the 1st time this year. We now have 275 and are a growing and vibrant U3A.
I have been thrilled with the way the first semester was up and running in such a professional manner. All the new convenors have settled in well. I can’t thank you enough. Without you and all our existing convenors, Benalla U3A could not be such a success.
I have been to a number of groups and interrupted them with an emergency evacuation procedure. I feel this is an important exercise and it has shown me that if we stack all the chairs along the wall next to the piano we then have full access to the doorways. When stacked correctly the chairs all fit in this space. This also will give the cleaners a clear access and allows us room to move freely around when members are seated at the tables.
Bev Lee and Judith Borthwick have both resigned from the Committee and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their service to U3A.
Judith has been our Publicity Officer for many years and has been responsible for all the ads and articles seen in The Ensign. She has also been a very capable Newsletter editor for many years.
Bev’s work in helping to establish our Tech Savvy Courses has seen her put in many hours of work and her work on Benalla U3A webpage has resulted in one of the best websites to be found. I thank you ladies for a job well done.
I would also like to thank the members of the Committee for their work during the last year. They have been a tremendous help to me. What they have achieved is truly amazing. I hope the new Committee will go from strength to strength and make Benalla U3A one of the best, if not the best, in the state.
Over the past year we have lost a number of our long term members. I will not try to name them as I would hate to leave anyone out but I must acknowledge the passing of Life Member Su Hughes. Su was a past committee member and was tireless in her work for U3A Benalla.
Finally, I am very pleased to announce the awarding of a Life Membership to Louise Doddrell. Louise started the Wine Appreciation Grooup 21 years ago, ran it for many years, and has put together a wonderful album of photo memories. Louise is very happy that it has been such a success and finds it hard to believe that the group is still so popular.
Dorothy Webber: President