Two days after our 2020 AGM, U3A Benalla closed for what we thought would be three, maybe four months, never believing it would be 12 months.
In April 2020 some of the committee and members started to learn how to use Zoom. With this new knowledge some Convenors started Zoom Classes others stayed together on email and phone.
As the time dragged on the Committee used Zoom and when permitted face to face Meetings.
There was a lot of discussion about how we could start up but as we had no idea when this would be, it was impossible to forward plan. A lot of time was spent looking at possible venues as the Seniors Building was closed. We were offered some accommodation ideas by Council and chairs and tables. The accommodation wasn’t suitable, but we have accepted the chairs and tables and these will be used in the small meeting room (the Seniors old office). Once set up this room will be used for smaller groups.
In September 2020 I was advised by Benalla Rural City Council that Grant money was available to do some more upgrades to the Seniors Community Building. I am happy that improvements are continuing as it is 4 years since U3A started using the Building and needs change with our growing numbers.
Our Membership stands at 320 with 39 new members for 2021. 44 Classes are on offer for Semester 1.
We are so fortunate to have Bev Lee who is our Website Manager. Our website is one of the reasons we attract new members each year. Thanks to Bev our webpage is always up to date.
Thanks to the Conveners who stepped aside and have helped with a smooth transition.
A special mention and thank you to Margaret Walsh who has convened Easy Walks for a number of years.
I congratulate the first time Convenors and thank them for stepping up. Without you and all our wonderful, experienced Convenors there wouldn’t be a Benalla U3A.
I won’t mention individuals as I may miss some one, but over the past year we had a number of members pass away. My condolences to their families and friends. Plus, a number have moved away from Benalla and I wish them happiness for the next stage of their life journey.
Lastly my thanks to the Committee who all work towards the running of, I think a very successful U3A.

Bill has been my Vice-President. Thank you, Bill for all the interesting speakers you have arranged for Meet & Mingle. Enjoy your travels with Jane.
Pat has been on the committee for 16 years and has spent 11 years keeping the tea coffee and biscuit tins full, also sending out the many get well, congratulation and condolences cards, thank you Pat.
The Committee has decided to present Pat with Life Membership.
After a horrible 2020 it is my hope that our Benalla U3A goes from strength to strength in 2021.
I would like to thank all the members who have given me encouragement and support over the past year.
Thank you.
Dorothy Webber