The Seniors building is available again for up to 20 people in the whole building at any one time, so some classes can be held. A general email is often sent out by Len, at the request of convenors, to let members know if classes or groups are meeting. We are also making a valiant effort to keep the calendar on the website up to date. If members are unsure, please ring the convenor to check what is happening. Some members are deciding not to go to their group until the news on COVID improves. It would be great if members could ring or contact the convenor to let them know they are not coming.
A small group enjoyed Chat ‘n Chew in September. Those who attended had a very nice lunch - it was lovely to see people socially, even if only briefly.
Committee members are still hopeful that we will be able to hold our Pizza lunch on Wednesday 20th October to celebrate `Get Online Week’. Check your emails and the website for updates closer to the day.
Chrismont Winery has been booked for the U3A end of year celebration on Tuesday 23 November. The cost of the 2-course meal will be $50 and the bus fare $10. The bus will leave the Benalla Bus Lines depot at 11.00am. There will be an application form and more details in the November newsletter. Fingers crossed that we will be able gather for our annual luncheon once again.
In conversation with Shepparton U3A it was revealed they have a ukulele group who would like to combine with our Recorder group to entertain us at our final Meet and Mingle for 2021. What a toe tapper that would be, however with Singing for Fun and Recorder groups unable to meet, we may have to wait another year
In the meantime, keep smiling and coming to U3A when we can, our social interaction is a very necessary part of life in retirement.
Geraldine McCorkell. Secretary