Classes at the Seniors Centre resumed on Monday 22 February. Guided by convenors, members need to follow Covid regulations which include, where possible, signing in to the building using the QR Code available on the entrance to the Seniors building or near the U3A Meeting Room door. If you can't check in with the QR Code you will need to complete the sign in sheet. Ticking the class roll is still required. This will also support contact tracing as phone numbers have been listed on the roll for contact purposes.
We are also asking members to 'book in' for classes and activities by email or phone where possible, (as Chat N Chew, Wine Appreciation already do) so the convenors know numbers likely to attend.
Coffee, tea and milk will now be available in the Seniors Building and the Hub, however you will need to bring your own mug if you wish to have morning tea.
U3A Benalla and District’s Annual General Meeting will be held at Meet and Mingle on Wednesday March 17th. I would like to thank retiring members Bill Parris and Pat Gardner for the highly valued work they have done on the Committee for a number of years. Positions are now vacant for two members. If you are interested in stepping up and joining the committee, the 2021 Executive/Committee Nomination Form is now available.
Dorothy Webber, President