At Meet and Mingle we also enjoyed a talk by Moussa Taouk who makes Goat Cheese at Winton - his café is now open for Coffee and Crepes on Friday and Saturday.
On more serious matters I hope all our members received the `Information Page’ on how we are dealing with our obligations in regard to vaccinations and attendance at classes. A copy is included here. If anyone is concerned, please don’t hesitate to ring Geraldine 0408522662 and I will try to answer your query. The Seniors are following the same guidelines as U3A. As we slowly open up again, enjoying the activities we have on offer, there are still some members who are very nervous about coming out into the world again.
Don’t forget to register for our bus trip to Chrismont Winery for our Christmas breakup. This will be on Tuesday 23rd November. $50 for a 2-course meal and $10 for the bus, and you will need to have proof of vaccination. A booking form with further details can be found at the end of this newsletter – the contact person is Corrie Witlox 57 62 8225.
Our last Meet and Mingle on Wednesday 17th November usually features a performance by our Singing and Recorder groups. Both groups have been unable to meet to practise and rehearse during lockdown, so there will be no singing concert or recorder recital this year. There will, however, be a Display of Patchwork and Quilts from the Patchwork group and morning tea, so keep the day in mind.
Hopefully 2022 will be considerably better than this year. Stay well and smiling and remember to keep in touch with people who may still be feeling isolated.
Geraldine McCorkell (for Dorothy)