The Singing for Fun Group held their annual Christmas concert in a new venue, the Cooinda Hub. Joyce and her crew entertained us with a wonderful selection of songs. to edit.
The Christmas party provided a wonderful opportunity for me to congratulate Judith who has been our Newsletter editor for the past six years. Judith has done an excellent job producing an informative newsletter and producing most of our publicity materials.
Freida and Bev will take on the role of editing and producing the newsletter. The email address will be [email protected]
Next year we will hold two Enrolment days, the first at the Cooinda Hub on Monday 18th January, 9.30-11.30. All are welcome. Our second enrolment day will be held at the Seniors on Wednesday 20th, again 9.30-11.30. If you cannot attend, send the Membership and Enrolment forms together with your payment to the Secretary. The November Newsletter contains course outlines, timetables, enrolment forms and they are also available on the Join Us page of this website. We are pleased to be offering a range of new classes in addition to our existing offerings. Classes finish at the end of November and resume in February next year.
Tutors please note that access to W4 will finish at the end of November and will resume in February next year. The security system will be on during the school holidays!