It is hard on tutors who put in effort preparing material if class members don’t turn up. It is better to let us know if you are going to be absent for a while or that you are going to drop out of a class. Please don’t leave us guessing as to your well-being or whereabouts.
I want to thank Mike Larkin who has run Comparative Religion for the past year and a half for his efforts. Unfortunately the course will soon cease. Elspeth Maconachie’s Brain Games is under similar pressure.
Most of our courses are, however, doing well despite the winter weather and the failure of one of our heaters/air conditioner. Both units are to be serviced and make W4 more hospitable. Enjoy the rest of your winter courses!
Jan Casey 2-11-1937 – 18-7-2016
A large contingent recently gathered at the Moorngag Cemetery to farewell Jan and support her family. Jan was a pharmacist, initially one of the few women qualified for such work. An ex colleague spoke of her professionalism and how pleasant it was to work with her. Jan enjoyed volunteering in a number of organizations and will be missed by her many friends. James certainly has our sympathy and support.
Denzil Mortimer 11-10-1929 – 14-4-2016
I was recently informed that Denzil Mortimer had died. Denzil was mentioned at the July Meet & Mingle when a 50s news reel featured his onetime doubles partner. He was a talented player, known to many of you as a Science Teacher at the High School and more recently as our Music Appreciation tutor.