Workshop/conference resources are now available, including the presentations from the U3A Asia Pacific Alliance Conference in late May; the website developed as a model for U3A North East Victoria's Digital Literacy Information Session on July 31 and my report on the U3A Network Victoria conference in mid August.
It's nearing the end of the year and a good time to take photographs to add to our website. Roving reporters (Geraldine or Bev) may call in to your group to take a photo or two. It would also be wonderful if you could take or arrange for someone to take some photos of your group, especially if you haven't seen any new ones on the website lately.
As new convenor of the Writing Workshop and Tech Savvy Seniors groups I have a greater appreciation of the important role convenors play in ensuring a rich and interesting experience members who attend their groups. Thank you so much convenors for your commitment and hard work.
Bev Lee