On our Meet and Mingle day, Wednesday 16th October we are having a special Morning Tea to celebrate Seniors Week. Our Recorder Group will perform for us and a display of `Collectables’ from our Collectors group will be on display.
Many thanks to Benalla Council for providing $500 towards the cost of this morning tea. This Grant is part of community funding for Seniors Week in Benalla.
Get Online Week BBQ lunch
Following our Morning Tea U3A will launch `Get Online Week’. A requirement for our Grant from the Good Things Foundation which organises Be Connected is to hold a function to launch our Get Online Program during the week of the 14th – 18th October.
We have organised a BBQ lunch following our Morning Tea at our rooms, so stay on after Morning Tea and learn a bit more about our `Online’ Be Connected Course and enjoy a very sociable BBQ lunch.
As Technology increasingly takes over our lives the Courses we have run have been well attended and give our members more confidence to cope with all things technical.
Geraldine McCorkell