On extremely short notice, our Vice President, Anne Nelson gave us a resume of how she became a Justice of the Peace by Qualification in Queensland, gaining 99% for the examination she sat. When Anne transferred to Victoria the process for being a JP was much less onerous, the person only having to show that they were of good character.
Anne, who is very community minded, is available at Annabelle Cleeland’s office by appointment to witness documents as a JP for members of the community. Anne also mentioned that she is a marriage celebrant.
Following Anne’s interesting talk, Ray O’Shannessy told us how he became an accountant several decades ago. Ray originally worked for 16 years for Victorian Producers Pty Ltd, organising many cattle and sheep sales in North East Victoria. This entailed long days as the sales had to be manually entered into ledgers, and then the amount realised by the sale had to be paid to the owners.
Ray was persuaded that his accounting skills could be put to more satisfying use by studying to become firstly an accountant, and then a chartered accountant. He joined a local accountancy firm, and later progressed to becoming a partner of that firm.
Thank you to both Anne and Ray for interesting accounts of their working lives.
The guest speaker for May will be Ian Maver of Wangaratta. Ian is a member of U3A Benalla and part of the Australian History, Tech Talks and the Sky’s the Limit groups. Ian will speak about his working life in the Aircraft Industry in Indonesia, Malaysia, United States and the UK. Hope you can come and hear what should be a fascinating talk.
Margaret Jenkins