In an Anzac Day themed Meet and Mingle on Wednesday 21st April, Brian Vial explored the topic ‘World War II - Was there ever a battle for Australia??’ Some military historians say YES while others insist NO. On the 26th of June each year the Australian War Memorial holds a ceremony in honour of this battle. Should this remembrance be discontinued? Brian discussed the merits of both views. Meet and MIngle Convenor and Vice President Bill Parris retired from his position as convenor of Meet and Mingle after his retirement as Vice President at the March AGM. New Vice President Margaret Jenkins is taking up the reins.
Thank you Bill for arranging such an interesting selection of speakers and wherever possible facilitating Covid break gatherings in the Benalla Gardens over the past eighteen months or so! Benalla Historical Society member Robyn Sadler gave an interesting presentation at Meet and Mingle in March after officiating at the AGM. Robyn provided a history of the development of the Museum to date and described the impact on the group of the renovations and further development of the Museum precinct. Historical society members will clearly have a major task ahead to pack up the contents of the museum until the Museum reopens in approximately 12 months. Benalla Rural City Council Mayor Danny Claridge also attended the meeting, responding to Robyn’s presentation from a Council perspective. At our next Meet and Mingle on Wednesday 21st April Brian Vial will explore the topic ‘World War II - Was there ever a battle for Australia??’
Bill Parris |
Meet and MingleAt the beginning of each Meet and Mingle, news from the U3A Benalla Committee meeting held the previous week will be given to those attending. This will be followed by a guest speaker who will talk for about 40 minutes on an interesting topic. A cup of tea or coffee and a chat with the guest speaker and other members will complete the morning. Convenor and Contact detailsMargaret Jenkins
5762 6944 Meeting times3rd Wednesday 10.00 - 12 noon.
U3A Meeting Room 1, Fawckner Drive Topics
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