We walked and talked our way up up and up uphill, negotiating logs [all sizes] wet and sometimes boggy ground and rocks until we reached ‘a top’. Vaughan could see a track through the trees! We were on track for lunch on Mt. Tatong. All this uphill I might add, was without a map. What navigation.
We had crossed boggy patches with lots of wild flowers [14 species in total] including Greenhoods of two varieties, Caladenias white and pink and Harbingers of Spring (Anguillaria dioica) in profusion. Carol recognized the calls of a number of birds and shared her knowledge willingly.
Lunch on top of Mt Tatong was a delightful place, on the rocks with views to Winton Wetlands filled with water and maybe even a sparkling glimpse of the Winton Raceway Pit sheds.
We are hoping to walk to the Mac’s Point lookout on Mount Buffalo, but at present the road in is closed. It may be open in November, but there are plenty of alternatives. This walk starts from the Reservoir and heads south for great views over Bunyip Creek.
Leader: Vaughan Cowan 5762 1980
Meet at the Centre at 7.45am for 8.00 departure.
There are no Mid-Week walks scheduled for December or January.