Vaughan led a group of ten from BBQ area in Euroa, along the Seven Creeks Walking Track. From “The Rockies”, a sandy bend with large boulders and an interesting bridge, we set off under the freeway & up the Balmattum Hill Walking Track. The climb was picturesque and warming, the slippery track a little treacherous, but everyone survived. We passed piles of small rocks, which WWII soldiers had carried up in training exercises. Eventually we all made it to a high point on Balmattum Hill, with magnificent views.
Lunch was eaten in the lee of lovely granite boulders, then we carefully descended, and followed the North track by Seven Creeks. Back at the cars we were grateful to those who provided walnut cake 3 & Tim Tams. A group of escapees from Violet Town Nursing centre occupied the next picnic table, and roped Bev in to describe our walk.
I recorded the walk as 7.8km, being 4km up, with a slightly shorter return North of Seven Creek. Vaughan had previous recorded it as 7.3, so I might have wandered more. The part of Balmattum Hill we enjoyed is Crown Land, Balmattum Hill Bushland Reserve, 78.6 Ha, only a fraction of the entire hill. The actual point of the hill appears to be another 50 metres higher, 1.5km WSW of our luncheon spot.
Andrea Stevenson
Walk up the Salisbury Falls track to Mt Warby and then continue along the Alpine Views track to complete the circuit. If the weather is clear we should be able to see snow on the mountains. Helen Spinks will be leading this walk. We will leave Benalla at 9.30am and please ring Helen 5762 3223.
Vaughan Cowan