Sue Pendergast will be leading the walk on the South Blue Range near Mansfield. We walk along the conglomerate ridge with great views of the Alps to the East and Lake Eildon to the west.
Ring Sue on 5768 2403 or 0428 401 690 for details.
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Midweek walk - Wednesday 8 June
Sue Pendergast will be leading the walk on the South Blue Range near Mansfield. We walk along the conglomerate ridge with great views of the Alps to the East and Lake Eildon to the west. Ring Sue on 5768 2403 or 0428 401 690 for details. On Wednesday May 11, twelve walkers from both the Easy and Mid-Week bushwalking groups met at the old tennis courts to set off for Bright on a rather cloudy morning. It started raining when we reached Myrtleford which was rather ominous, but we drove on and had a morning tea stop at Centenary Park in Bright. The rain stopped and we drove to Deacon Avenue to start the climb to Huggins Lookout. The view over the township was great, with quite a lot of autumn colour. After a lot of looking and chatting we went back down to the cars.
Then on to Alpine Park, Wandiligong where we had lunch before setting off for the Wandi Wander. It started at the footbridge over Morses creek, up to School Road where we had great views over the township. It was interesting to see an orchard of persimmons, the trees loaded with lovely golden fruit. Walking south we continued over the Royal Bridge to the “Diggings” where we visited the new building on the site of the old Joss House, and in the opposite direction to the Chinese Bridge. Then on to the Swing Bridge and back to Alpine Park for afternoon tea. The rain started again just as we were leaving to come home. As Vaughan was unable to come on this great walk we had many leaders which created a lot of talk. Marion On Wednesday April 13, eleven walkers arrived at the Springs Creek Sawmill parking area near the old timber kilns in Mt. Samaria State Park on a perfect day for a bushwalk. Not too hot, not cold and no rain.
We began with a short section of trail still ‘under construction’ as we began our walk along the historic tramline where timber was hauled through the forests of Mt. Samaria 100 years ago. After a short walk through brush, we came out onto a good track through a lightly forested area. Taking a brief break at a junction with a wide track, we had beautiful views of this track winding through and then getting lost among tall, straight, white and grey barked eucalypts as it winded away from us. The scene was a reminder of a classic Australian landscape painting. Walking back into the forest, our view of tall, straight trees shifted to a view of fields of waist high ferns catching the sunlight on very green leaves. We walked through these and a lightly forested area past many traces of the timber railway tracks used when timber was being taken from this area. Parts of an old wooden bridge alongside the track were also visible. This part of the track led us to our lunch spot at the Braking Station where we came across derelict parts of the machinery that had been used to transport timber from the kilns. The concrete forms that were part of the Braking Station provided us with benches with views for lunch. Leaving the Braking Station, we walked up towards Mt. Samaria, but diverted from the track to the top to a flat rock area providing breathtaking views towards Lake Nillahcootie and the Strathbogie Ranges. Following our break for this view, we walked down the steep track back to the picnic area of the kilns where we all enjoyed a cuppa and the views of ferns backed by tall, straight eucalypts, a summary of the beautiful area we’d been walking through. Patricia Easy and Mid-week walk - Wednesday May 11 Bright and Wandiligong. Please note we are combining this walk with the mid-week walkers, as it is not a strenuous walk. I hope this does not prevent anyone from walking the second Wednesday. This year we make our annual autumn foliage trip to Bright and Wandiligong. As a slight change, we will start by climbing to Huggin's Lookout, for an overview of the township. Then to Wandiligong for lunch and the traditional 'Wandi wander'. . Ring Vaughan Cowan 5762 1980 and meet at the Centre at 8.45am for 9.00am departure. Midweek walk - Wednesday 8 June Sue Pendergast will be leading the walk on the South Blue Range near Mansfield. We walk along the conglomerate ridge with great views of the Alps to the East and Lake Eildon to the west. Ring Sue on 5768 2403 or 0428 401 690 for details. |
Benalla Bushwalking Group's 'Mid Week Walks'Walks organised by the Benalla Bushwalking Club Inc. held on the second Wednesday of each month, weather permitting. These walks are suitable for the retired person of reasonable fitness. U3A members wishing to go on these walks need to join the Benalla Bushwalking Club for insurance purposes. Membership fees at present are $45 per person or $40 incl. $5 discount if paid before March 31. We pool cars and share transport costs.
Meeting timesThe group meets on the 2nd Wednesday at 9.30 am or thereabouts at the Barkly Street carpark - old tennis courts behind Aldi. Information on meeting times for specific walks will be included in newsletters and on the calendar on the website. Convenor & Contact DetailsJohn Boehm 0428 254 801 LinksArchives
January 2022
Developed and maintained by members, this website showcases U3A Benalla & District.
Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria