I have booked the option that is a hosted wine tasting of around 5-7 wines at $10.00 per head and the Courtyard menu which includes Antipasto platter, a selection of Flatbreads and a Salad at $45.00. There is an undercover area should the weather be inclement.
It is necessary to pre-pay for our food component ($45) by 18th February. This can be left in an envelope marked U3a Wine Appreciation group and your name please at Read B4 Bookshop next to Hides Bakery.
A 25% discount applies to wine purchases for any guests who are active Summit Club members or anyone wishing to join.
Meet at the tennis court car park in Barkly Street behind Aldi at 10.00 am. Please contact Nicole by Friday 18th February to let me know if you will be attending.
I can be contacted on 0428 696 408 or email [email protected].
Nicole McFarlane