Meet at 10.00 am for travel to Eagle Range Estate near Ovens. Lunch at Delizie Café, Myrtleford.
Wednesday 22 April
Meet at 10.00 am for proposed visit to Baarrooka Winery, Strathbogie and lunch at Euroa – to be confirmed.
Noel Meagher 5762 3149
Wednesday 25 March
Meet at 10.00 am for travel to Eagle Range Estate near Ovens. Lunch at Delizie Café, Myrtleford. Wednesday 22 April Meet at 10.00 am for proposed visit to Baarrooka Winery, Strathbogie and lunch at Euroa – to be confirmed. Noel Meagher 5762 3149 Welcome to all and some points to note for the new comers in 2015. The group meets each month at the ”Centre” car park—old tennis court—and we share transport.
To facilitate planning, especially for lunches, bookings are either: Noel Meagher 5762 3149 or Keith / Heather Rogers 5762 4086 preferably by the 3rd Wednesday ie Meet and Mingle day. Suggestions for venues are always welcome. Wednesday 25 February Meet at 10.30 am for travel to Silent Range Estate at Wangandary. Lunch at the Pinsent Hotel, Reid Street, Wangaratta. Wednesday 25 March Meet at 10.00 am for travel to Eagle Range Estate near Ovens. Lunch at Myrtleford. Noel Meagher 5762 3149 |
About the Wine
Developed and maintained by members, this website showcases U3A Benalla & District.
Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria