These included a beautiful post-war wedding gown which was much admired and a photo of the wedding party with the bride wearing it. There was also a 1960’s wedding dress again with a photo of the bride and groom, a wedding album, a decoration from the top of the cake and horseshoes. A beautiful wedding photo, a doll which decorated the wedding car and a newspaper cutting with a description of the wedding was also shown.
There were also older photos of parent’s weddings, grandparent’s weddings as well as a newspaper cutting from Trove with details of another grandparent’s wedding.
Various other wedding photos and memorabilia led to much discussion and reminiscences of the items displayed as we wandered down memory lane.
On October 14th we will have an excursion to Dookie to the Doll Museum with lunch at ‘The Chateau’.
Judith Borthwick