Brian brought along a beautiful ‘Ansonia’ clock and explained its workings. He was able to explain how a ‘gyro’ works when Robyn brought along a gyro from one of the Japanese submarines which entered Sydney Harbour during World War 2. It was thought to have come from one of the torpedos.
Again in an unusual vein was Dave’s froe, a tool in his collection used for splitting fence palings and shingles. He has researched his subject and had several photos of froes and items on their uses. Well done Dave.
There were many other beautiful items from firms such as Lladro, Radnar, Crown Derby, and Royal Doulton as well as carvings from New Zealand. There were several collections including one of glass and ceramic boxes, ceramic houses, another of floral ornaments and of ceramic figurines and Bev brought along an old tin with a picture of King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, and their daughters Elizabeth and Margaret as well as an antique writing desk.
Unfortunately our proposed visit to see glassware at Goorambat in September will not go ahead as the owners no longer show their glass.
Carl Wantrup will be guest speaker at our August meeting. Carl is a valuer who specialises in Japanese and Chinese ceramics. He will bring along some of his own items. He has spoken to U3A groups in Melbourne.