Again we had a diverse range of items to share and interesting stories about when they were acquired. We had a camel teapot and several 1953 tea towels with slogans which would now be considered very politically incorrect, depression glass in both amber and green, paper weights, Limoges china, and jewellery. New member Godfrey brought along his collection of Wool Bale Stencils and Carole brought along a collection of badges she has acquired over many years in her various roles. We also saw some perfect shells, some beautiful items acquired from India and a child’s teaset.
The stories behind many of these collections are of as much interest as the items themselves. Members were asked to bring along a gift which meant a lot to them and again we had many varied items and a few laughs.
Next month we will have a swap table and members are asked bring along an item which they are prepared to swap. In June we will have a guest speaker, Mr Graydon Johnston from GW Gadd Antiques of Avenel and Chiltern.