From Convenor Terry Case – a somewhat tongue in cheek article!
“Tired of all the news about the virus? Well, by now it is all over! Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told his British hosts in July the World Health Organization was responsible for all the Brits who had died as a result of the virus. I hope the show trials of these war criminals commence in time for the Presidential election. Talking of which it is all rigged according to the Donald. It is all those postal votes which mean they cannot have a fair election, the problem is, the Democrats like those postal votes. Why join the long queues and risk that mythical virus? Surely the Republicans face the same wait. Well thanks to the manipulations and Gerrymandering they usually have access to far more voting booths in Republican counties than Democrats have. If you are a Black Democrat voter the polling officials are far more likely to demand to see your registration papers, which in some counties are extremely hard to get, (I mean if you are Black now just stand back so those nice people can vote). Thank goodness the South won the Civil War. Now don’t start dredging up false histories, just check Face Book they will tell you straight.
Donald has told us it will be the most unfair and corrupt election and that Black gal that the Democrats have chosen is another Obama, she is not white and not eligible, besides she will tell Sleepy Joe what to do. Anyhow she is a communist. Dust of the Donald’s 2011 – 2016 rants on Obama not being an American, they worked then and probably will again.
Thank goodness Donald worked so hard and found a way to stop those sneaky Democrats using illegal postal votes. Yes, blocking the money the postal service uses to collect and send the votes sounds fair with me. After all those nice Republicans know they will be looked after and those automatic vote sorters won’t be needed in Democrat areas. The Post Office has already informed some State Governors it will not be possible for the votes to reach counting stations before the deadline. In the last State election 20% of the votes could not be delivered by the Post in time. Hooray the Free World is safe again, it’s not like Hong Kong with all those horrid riots!
I agree with Donald, the election will be rigged, I wonder if the Chinese will send observers? Nice to see the Russians are backing Donald and the Chinese, Biden. Anyhow if Biden claims to have won, Donald is saying he cannot accept the false result and he is not leaving the White House.
I wonder how the next Civil War starts?
If you want to stop my ranting it’s time to start contributing. It might be a while before normal transmission resumes. They’re coming to take me away ha, ha!
P.S. By the time you read this Clive Palmer will have bankrupted those pesky Western Australian Communists and their Premier, ah Clive a true Aussie billionaire!
Please send your Looney Tunes oops, I mean contributions to the newsletter.
Terry Case
From class member Heather Wallace –
“So much has happened since we last attended our Politics group. Joe Biden is the Democrat candidate, and Donald Trump the Republican candidate. With only two months until the election it will be a time of changing possibilities – will it be Biden or will it be Trump? Biden has been a favourite with the polls so far, but do not count Trump out. Trump has done a couple of deals in the past week which may be a telling point for his future – the UAE deal with Israel – one he has pushed through, now he is claiming to be the Law and Order President – even though his attitude to minorities has fuelled some of the problems that have occurred recently. These may reflect in the polls and change the election result.
Even Trump’s sister has got into the act with her tell all recordings and interviews in the past week, though what effect this may have on the election result, we will wait and see.
Closer to home things have been heating up somewhat. Clive Palmer is taking action against Western Australian under Section 92 of the Constitution. He is threatening to bankrupt the Western Australian Government for the closing of borders.
Whilst on the subject of closing of borders, it will be interesting to see if the State Premiers and Scott Morrison can come to some agreement to make things happen. The economy in Australia is at its lowest ebb since the ‘recession we had to have’. Jobs are scarce and many will have disappeared for good, with companies taking advantage of the Covid-19 situation to streamline their organisations to save money, small businesses disappearing etc. Things are going to be difficult for a long time, but it is not going to get better by Federal and State governments sniping at one another.
Then we have had the branch stacking debacles in Victoria on both sides of politics. The changing of the guard with younger right wing Liberal Party members looking to roll out the old guard in attempt to get a new breed into politics is not over yet – just watch this space.
If you wish to have an input in the political goings on in the world, why not put pen to paper and write an article for the U3A Newsletter. It would be good to hear other members’ points of view.”
Heather Wallace