Ex-Defence Secretary and Marine General James Mattis condemned Trump's handling of protests accused Trump of dividing US and ordering military to violate constitutional rights of Americans.
Mattis, who resigned as Secretary of Defence in December 2018 to protest Trump’s Syria policy, has, ever since, kept studiously silent about Trump’s performance as president. But he has now broken his silence, writing an extraordinary broadside in which he denounces the president for dividing the nation.
Other Generals and the Admiral who is the current Chief also spoke out against the President, whilst ex-Chief of Staff General Colin Powell says Trump is not fit to be President because of his constant lying. Another General found himself being part of a photo opportunity when Trump had protestors cleared in front of a church so he could be photographed holding a bible with an entourage behind him.
After reflecting on being dragged into this political theatre (Trump defender of faith) the General held his own press conference to say he should not have been involved and Trump had illegally issued an order.
I find it amazing that military leaders have criticised their President so publicly, it shows a fierce protection of the constitution and a horror of the military being dragged into politics.
The target of the photo op were the evangelical voters that formed part of Trump’s power base in his election as President. But it backfired as some evangelical leaders said they were aghast, watching the event unfold.
“Pelting people with rubber bullets and spraying them with teargas for peacefully protesting is morally wrong,” said Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. “What we need right now is moral leadership – from all of us, in the churches, in the police departments, in the courts, and in the White House. The Bible tells us so. So do our own consciences.”
The staunchest of evangelicals, 90-year-old televangelist Pat Robertson, decided to split from Trump.
A record 81% of white evangelicals voted for him in 2016, and he only narrowly won the presidency. Trump was reminding them that in exchange for their votes he has packed the courts, including the Supreme Court, with conservative judges who agree with evangelicals on social issues. Trump was therefore annoyed that the Supreme Court had supported LBGT rights.
So, after massive and prolonged demonstrations in many states over the killing of George Floyd what does Trump say? He tells the nation that at Floyd’s funeral that George will be in heaven looking down and saying this is the best day ever!!!! Why the best day? Because the stock market showed signs of picking up. Meanwhile he offers no leadership to alleviate concerns of the demonstrators. He abandoned taking charge of the virus suppression passing it off to State Governors. Trump has a limited attention span and his only long-term focus is on Obama and Clinton, whose reputations seem to drive him mad with envy!
Now Trump is in election mode, keep watch on the size of crowds at the rallies. There were many empty seats at the first rally, they might resort to crowd cut out posters like our football!
In Australia the issue of deaths in custody re-ignited, leading to people struggling with their conscience to seize the moment and get some of the political spotlight to stop the ongoing deaths here. Over 430 Aboriginals & Torres Strait Islanders have died in custody since the issue of the Royal Commission Report, that was ignored by our political class. Protestors were willing to risk their health and others to grasp this opportunity to vent their frustration. The right of free speech v community safety. But if you keep ignoring a section of the population you are going to create worse problems. Do you remember James Baldwin’s Fire next time? That book was written after the LA Riots in the 60s.
Marcia Langton summed it up when she said, “It’s simple, stop killing Aboriginals.”
If any politics group members wish to comment on current issues, send your contribution to Heather for the next newsletter.
Terry Case