Terry Case
We took stock of the first week of the election campaign and the politicians who for good or bad had drawn attention to themselves. The campaigning was meant to go into overdrive after Easter but the terrible attacks in Sri Lanka have drawn attention away from our trifling concerns. I think it shows yet again in Australia, that there is more that unites us than divides us.
Terry Case The terrible massacre in New Zealand was used as a political football by the Turkish President. Our Prime Minister was quick to respond as both try to impress voters at forthcoming elections.
New Zealanders seemed shocked that such an evil act could occur in their country, but social media enabled vision of the killings to be transmitted round the world. Freedom of speech, or freedom to hate, is that the question? Terry Case |
Politics and Current AffairsJoin our discussions as we dissect local, state, federal and world affairs. Meeting times2nd and 4th Tuesday 10.00 am to 12 midday
U3A Meeting Room 1 ConvenorBrian Harker
0478 606 398 Newsletter correspondent
Neville Gibb Terry Case
Politics & Current Affairs Convenor, c 2013 - 2022. Thank you, Terry! Archives
November 2024
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Photographs - U3A members; Benalla Art Gallery website; Weebly 'Free' images;Travel Victoria and State Library of Victoria