U3A Politics and Current Affairs - suggested topics and issues - 2015
A survey of topics carried out during the first class resulted in quite a list! The list is available by clicking on this link (PDF) and on the side menu.
U3A Politics and Current Affairs - suggested topics and issues - 2015 One of my favourite illustrations from 2014 was the Monthly’s portrayal of the Abbot Government as a club for old conservative white men. The Monthly (available at the newsagent and at the Benalla Library) is a good source of current affairs material. I strongly suggest you obtain a copy of the August 2014 edition that tackled the issue of the supermarket duopoly and how suppliers are squeezed and competition stifled.
Politics and Current AffairsJoin our discussions as we dissect local, state, federal and world affairs. Meeting times2nd and 4th Tuesday 10.00 am to 12 midday
U3A Meeting Room 1 ConvenorBrian Harker
0478 606 398 Newsletter correspondent
Neville Gibb Terry Case
Politics & Current Affairs Convenor, c 2013 - 2022. Thank you, Terry! Archives
November 2024