Terry Case
Our final meeting for the year will be Tuesday 10th of December when we combine with the History class to watch a DVD. I hope you have a pleasant break and return next year for more of Trump & Co.
Terry Case We were shocked to hear Ian Gray had died suddenly whilst traveling overseas.
Ian was such a vibrant character who could be provocative, but with a cheeky smile and generous laugh that invited us to share his good humour. Ian was going to join our convenors next year and I was looking forward to him co-hosting a new current affairs subject, we will miss him. Terry Case |
Politics and Current AffairsJoin our discussions as we dissect local, state, federal and world affairs. Meeting times2nd and 4th Tuesday 10.00 am to 12 midday
U3A Meeting Room 1 ConvenorBrian Harker
0478 606 398 Newsletter correspondent
Neville Gibb Terry Case
Politics & Current Affairs Convenor, c 2013 - 2022. Thank you, Terry! Archives
November 2024