Daniel Andrews forced a Minister to resign over Hotel debacle, she went protesting that he also was at fault. The Public Service Head of the Department also resigned. Surprisingly Andrews seemed to take little political damage, on the other hand his daily lengthy news conferences must be taking an enormous toll on him.
The NSW Premier also took some political hits as her personal life became public as a secret relationship with MP Daryl Maguire became headline news. Maguire’s deals were exposed by the NSW ICAC (anti-corruption commission) exposed his financial deals. Gladys Berejiklian survived no-confidence motions and relentless probing by the press. She survived, but possibly will stand down before the next election in a few years’ time. It should raise the issue of whether MPs s can have second jobs or business interests.
A NSW land purchase for the new airport drew cries for a Federal anti-corruption body to investigate why this land was so overpriced. Morrison seemed to think that the Government was doing all it could tackling the virus and could not deal with this as well. The draft bill was with the A.G. before the virus erupted. Stunning to think such an enormous organization cannot perform multiple tasks especially as the States do much of the work. Things changed when the head of the Post rewarded her executives with watches. She told the Senate investigation were valued at $3,000 each, in fact they were worth double that. Morrison demanded she stand down immediately. Then the newly appointed head of ASIC was found to have massively overspent on his allowances, he says he will pay it back. This is the head of the corporate watch dog, how about dismissing him for his failings and fine him?
America continues to astound and if you think it will be all over soon think again. Trump has his 3rd Pick for the Supreme Court almost in place. If he is not declared the winner expect him to challenge in the Court. Even more frightening are some of the militia groups who parade with their heavy weapons outside polling stations as they try and intimidate voters. One group was busted by the FBI for planning to kidnap a State Governor who displeased them and kill some of her police chiefs. At least the debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence was reasonable if you don’t mind the tactic of talking over your opponent, now where is that mute button?
Terry Case