The last week was not without disgraceful behaviour in Federal parliament. Young women working as staff in ministerial offices have been raped. The PM announced a number of internal inquiries into “the culture” of the work-place. Why do we need an inquiry when laws have been broken? The young women were not protected by their employers, who are both Federal Ministers. They did not ensure their staff worked in a safe workplace, which is mandated by law.
Whilst it is good to see the inquiry will be a multi-party affair, the P.M. did not it not offer to make the report public. It will require on going pressure to ensure the staffers get the same protection of the law as they would expect in any other work place. There is no place for blaming the victims.
The week ended with Liberal MP Craig Kelly resigning from the liberal Party for his anti Vax messages and failing to support Governments policies, despite requests from the PM for him to follow the party line.
Not a great week in politics!
Terry Case