Walking with some friends last week, somehow the conversation turned to young couples and marriage. Or perhaps it was lack of marriage, as many couple do not actually marry these days. Here was a trigger. It started me thinking about my nieces and nephews… as well as our own children.
I have 11 nieces and nephews, all adults these days. And there are my own two children. All the children from the generation are in long term relationships, most with children. From memory, I think most of these young people lived with their future partner before marriage. I can only think of two who were still living with their parents before marriage.
My nieces are all married, including one who thought she would never marry! And our daughter is married – her husband wanted a family but thought they should be married before having a baby.
As for the boys, that seems to be a different story. At this stage, only two are married, although all are in a relationship. Our son is one of the two who are married, and 18 months before marrying he had raised the question with me as to how ai felt about couples not marrying as he did not think it necessary. He had even told his now wife that he did not belief in marriage.
It was an interesting exercise thinking about these young people and raises the question as to why it is the boys who are not marrying. Although one has been interested in marrying his partner, somehow it has not happened.
Joy Shirley
November 2020