Our theme was to write a description of a person or place. Some took the opportunity to write about someone they had met or some place they had visited. Others wrote about a place or person that fitted a piece of fiction writing they were working on. It was particularly interesting to hear the descriptions of real people, some of whom were not very pleasant characters. Some even wove in descriptions of multiple people and place in one piece.
Our topics for 10 June are a choice between:
- A one-page effort - Your own written funeral statement to be read at your funeral
- Please tell us a little about yourself.
- It will be here any minute.
- The train stopped and everyone...
The first option was contributed by a class member and he provided his contribution as a sample of what could be done when writing about oneself. Others may decide to write a piece of fiction for any (or all) of the options.
For June, we have decided to start our session at 2:30. This will reduce the amount of time that we need to talk above the sound from the Line Dancing Class.
Joy Shirley