As usual we had a choice of three prompts. Some months, many have focussed on the same topic, but this month each of the topics was used by at least one member of the class. There was a scam phone call, valuable jewels, missing friends or family.
After sharing our writing, we discussed how language has changed, and what this means for some of classics. These are becoming harder to read, particularly for a younger generation where some words have moved out of use, and many others have developed in meaning. For example, how would many younger people react to the use of the word “gay” used in a book from the late 19th century where it would mean more like joyful and bright.
Our topics for 9 September are a choice between:
- Yellow leaves crackled underfoot.
- My mother always said that it was better to ask for forgiveness than for permission
- Fences are for climbing.
Joy Shirley