We were also treated to a couple of sentences using the Doric dialect from the north east of Scotland. Fortunately we were also read the English translation. We followed this with a discussion around learning and understanding a second language, and the differences in dialects and terminology between different countries – for example understanding Australian terminology by people coming from other English-speaking countries. It is not only learning a new language that can be confusing, with some examples shared by the class members who moved to Australia.
One of the contributions was around climbing fences – not a specific occasion but touching on the different types of fences we can climb. We concluded that as this gave a range of descriptions, it was definitely creative writing. Further discussion also around how our writing will always be influenced by our life experiences, things we have seen and books that we have read or films we have watched.
Our topics for 14 October are a choice between:
The bar was deserted when he entered – just the bar tender cleaning the bar
Jack was large, nearly 200 centimetres tall, a solid man, but far from overweight
Who were these people who seemed to know where they were going but had never been seen in the small town?
And remember, we are now starting our session at 2:30pm.
Joy Shirley