Before the class formally started, there was conversation about how hard it was to find something to write, or to continue after writing the first paragraph/s of a story. I had recently found some thoughts about conquering writer’s block from the Rural Publishing Company and shared these at the start the class. We then went on to hints around self-editing our work, and the traps we can fall into. For example, we often see what we think we have written, and by putting the work aside for a period of time, we come with fresh eyes and identify mistakes more easily.
Simple word challenge:
The challenge this month was a very simple word challenge – identifying several words starting with ‘au’ from a definition and number of letters.
The person who wrote the book. (6) AUTHOR
Different people might have a different coloured one. (4) AURA
Our stories:
All stories had good beginnings, flowed well and generally had an ending that wrapped up the story. Writing styles (often known as the writing voice) are developing. A common theme many times is providing fauna, flora or inanimate objects with human personalities or reactions. This month was no exception, with two pieces telling stories from a dog’s perspective, and an orb that reacted to the thoughts of the person holding it.
Fun to read, and with feedback as to ways to improve the story.
The prompts for our October class are:
- Call me anytime.
- Trying to thread the belt through the buckle, it soon became apparent that it wasn't long enough.
- We'd always agreed on the important things until ...
If you are interested in being part of the discussions, we always welcome new members to the class.