Let’s go ahead with the following process, and refine if necessary:
- Send your story to the class BEFORE the scheduled time for our class (the next class would be 13 April, so need to send the story by 12 April at the latest using reply all from the email relating to this message or the list of email addresses sent with it)
- Spend the scheduled time on 13 April reading the stories
- Share your feedback with the class, again using a reply all option in email, as soon as possible, preferably on 13 April
- On 14 April I will send out a new set of topics for a May “class”
I have suggested using our scheduled class times to provide a bit of discipline as well as certainty as to when to expect the stories and the feedback. Personally, I need to have some sort of routine to help remember the day of the week now that most of my normal activities have been cancelled, and maybe others could feel that way too.
And as a reminder, the topics that we have for 13 April are:
- There was a secret meeting in the morning and she had to be there.
- For months I had been crying myself to sleep every night.
- It came in the mail
The workshop process document is available below as I think this may help focus our thoughts in providing feedback to the class. As with the work-shopping process, we should keep the feedback positive – positive comments overall plus thoughts for improvement, not what is wrong. I don’t want the task to become too onerous and stop people from participating, so perhaps keep the feedback succinct.
Now for some other thoughts about keeping active with your writing. Remember Furious Fiction will have their new topic out on 3 April. If you write something, you could perhaps share that as well. Also the Australian Writers Centre do have a number of on-line courses available. They can be a bit pricey, but I have done a couple of the less expensive ones and found them valuable. Thinking about publishing your work? I see the Australian Writers Centre have an on-line course around how to pitch your book to publishers that I think is under $200.
All for now. I hope to received a few stories by 12 April.
0417 065 351