A circular economy is one in which everything used in an economy is recycled within it, an economy in which everything which enters recycling is ‘reincarnated’. A particular example cited is that of glass, which can almost be entirely reused if crushed back into sand. We read that the circular economy is job creating, with the chief executive of the Waste Management Association of Australia stating “Studies have found repeatedly that, for every one job in landfill and 10,0000 tons of waste, over four are created by resource recovery”. The article also considered the concept of ‘end of life product stewardship’ important, with onus being put back on the manufacturer, and included the need for government procurement to be made from recycled materials.
John has often suggested that our sessions could be produced as an ‘episode of ‘Grumpy Old People’! However, we do look out for good news and were pleased to read in July’s edition of ‘Council News’ that Benalla is doing well in terms of reducing landfill; that our organics composting has saved more than 3 million kilograms of carbon dioxide (the equivalent of 27,210 tanks of petrol); and that Benalla Rural City has received a grant for $440,000 as part of a $900,000 upgrade for the construction of a Transfer Station and improvement to the internal road structure.
The role of community energy in Benalla is continuing to be discussed, with a Community Energy Forum to be held at BPACC on Friday 3 August at 7.30 pm. All welcome.
Bev Lee