We found ourselves confused by the binary position being taken by the Federal government on reducing the funding for ARENA as part of its Omnibus package, at a time when it has changed its own emphasis on renewable energy, including Turnbull and Hunt ordering a CSIRO U-turn. And we watched bemusedly on Q & A as a new climate denier Senator proclaims that there is no evidence of human induced climate change. Evidence continues to grow increasing our concern about the impact of climate change.
We always keep an eye out for positive developments–most recently the suggestion that renewable jet fuel is potentially growing on Australia’s iconic gum trees; the development of solar panel recycling; and news of an iconic building tower in Melbourne which has undergone a decade long transformation to reduce electricity use by 40 percent.
Locally the interest in sustainable building of new homes and retrofitting of existing homes is evident in the high rate of attendance at recent Sustainable Building forums held by Benalla Sustainable Future Group and Benalla Rural City; the interest in BSFG and Sun Real’s Environmentally Sustainable Building Award soon to be presented by Benalla Business Network; and the chance to visit sustainably built housing in North East Victoria, including a Solar Skillion Sleepout in Benalla, on Sustainable House Day on September 11.